The ‘conversion rate’ of something is simply how many of those visitors/readers/followers turned into paying customers. Whilst we don’t want to go over the top, hammering home all the reasons they should work with us, we do want to make the benefits of our programs and services crystal clear.
To boost conversion rates, the main priority is clarity - a clear message - a clear value proposition - a clear and simple process to purchase.
We want to get people excited about the possibility of working with us and transforming their current situation. Action verbs do this by inciting change and encouraging, well, ACTION!
“We’re breaking the mold”, or “Let’s get creative”. Using active rather than passive voice is so much more motivational (and if you use Yoast, you’ll know that SEO favours active voice too!)
Select 3-5 glowing testimonials and find a way to attractively feature them on your site. We recommend that you link out to the person delivering the testimonial and include a high-res photo of them, if possible. Think carefully about your ideal client and who they’d like to receive social proof from. If you work with coaches, for example, choose testimonials from coaches. If you mostly work with women, only feature testimonials from women. Make sure testimonials are featured on the homepage, but don’t be afraid to scatter them on service pages too.
When people visit your website, you want them to stay there for as long as possible in order to gain the information they need to confidently purchase from you. The best way to do this is to carve a perfect path for them. Use colourful headings and targeted CTAs to guide them from value proposition to USP, pain point to payment plan - each step as easy and streamlined as the last.
Most readers are skimmers, at least when it comes to digital consumption. To make it super easy for them to glean the content they need, break everything down - especially when it comes to explaining a service, program or course. Use bullet points liberally and take advantage of titles and subtitles to break down your modules, course topics or services process in detail. At a glance, we want our readers to be able to see what the offer is, who it’s for, what it achieves and how they can pay for it.
We’ve harped on about the power of video before. Not only does it create a much stronger connection between yourself and your potential customers, but that connection usually correlates with conversions. You’ve heard of the ‘know, like, trust’ factor? The thing that convinces people to buy from another person? Well, video fast tracks that process because the potential customer feels like they know you in 1-2 minutes, instead of reading 1-2 pages of copy.
Whether it’s a welcome video, the story of how you established your business or simply a reel of videographer footage, use video to capture conversions quickly.
For your message to resonate, it needs to be clear and it needs to be everywhere. Your website visitors should be under no illusion as to what you offer them. Your value proposition is the unique thing that you can offer, that no one else can. Perhaps you’re a leading imposter syndrome coach. Maybe you’re an expert in CRM systems and uplevelling customer experience. For us? We’re the trustworthy, highly-professional web design team that uplevel businesses via their handcrafted websites.
2.35% is considered a ‘good’ conversion rate in 2020 - how does your site tally up?
Not sure how to find out? Our website design clients receive a monthly report that dishes the behind-the-scenes dirt on what their website visitors have been up to. Doesn’t that sound great? Where they’ve been, what they looked at for how long… it’s all in there so we can go on to create even better customer experiences.
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pop us a message about your conversion rate dreams… we’d love to make them come true!