Personally, we love sales pages! Everytime we create one, we know our client is 1) getting out there and owning their success and 2) is about to be a whole lot more successful thanks to the beautiful sales page we’re creating ;)
Seriously though, a highly converting sales page could be the make or break of your product/service launch… so it’s not something we take lightly. As always, we’ve got a few signature tips and tricks that we use to ensure you get the very best out of your sales page… and here they are...
With sales pages, it’s often the case that the groundwork makes all the difference. Yes, the actual putting together of the page is of high-importance, but the background research ensures that your page is as effective as possible.
Before you start crafting, take some time to really define your target audience. How do they like to be spoken to? Where are they on their journey? What are their very specific pain points? How do they like to be referred to? How much money do they have to spend on this? What would really resonate with them and tip the scales on the sale? Be really intentional when it comes to mapping out who would benefit from seeing this page.
With your tone and delivery, speak as if you were having a direct conversation with this person. What would you say to your target audience if they were standing in front of you? You’d be conscientious, you’d be real and you’d be authoritative. You’d want them to know that you understand them and that you want to help.
Oftentimes, people get caught up in looking ‘professional’ or polished on their sales pages… but in the coaching/service provider world, that’s not what makes the sale. Coaching, especially, is very personal. Be personable in your approach and you’ll be converting those clients in no time.
People want to know exactly what it is they’re buying - so tell them! You can do this in artistic and inventive ways, such as mapping out your modules with clever drop-downs, using animations to make bonuses and resources literally pop or including a video where you explain the process of working with you.
Where possible, use bullet points rather than bulk text and split up sections of your page with different background colours or textures. Make it as easy as possible for your target audience to find what they’re looking for so they can say “yes, yes, YES!”
As above, the same goes for pricing. Don’t be afraid to lay it all out on the table - ‘this is how much it costs, here’s how you can pay, these are the payment options’. Being coy or secretive around pricing is a huge turn-off - so we always encourage our clients to beautifully lay out their pricing structure with pride!
If you’ve run this program or course before, make sure you include testimonials from the last intake. Hopefully, you made a testimonial questionnaire part of your offboarding process, but don’t worry if you didn’t. Simply reach out to ex-students or clients and ask for their honest opinion. If you haven’t run this program or course before, simply ask those who have worked with you, what they thought of the process.
When you include a testimonial on a sales page, include the person's name and handle - and a picture, if possible. This helps your target audience to really identify with that real person and their experience, picturing themselves as having the same transformation.
At the bottom of a sales page, it’s worth thinking about some FAQs or objections that may come up. Chances are, if someone has reached the bottom of your page without buying, they need a little more convincing. What could be troubling them? Is it the price? Is it that they’re wondering if it’s the right fit for them? Maybe they want to know a little more about you and your history?
This is where getting a second eye over your sales page can be helpful. We’re always on hand to give some hints and tips.
Want to see some of our tips and tricks in action? You can row on over to our
Portfolio page to find examples of our highly-converting sales pages!
Looking for a sales page yourself? Even if you don’t host your website with us,
we can still help you to create a beautifully designed sales page that you can be proud of.